Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I used to be a bully. I would beat kids up for money, for what they wore, for any reason, really. I would beat people down emotionally, I would make fun of everything I could. That stretched even to special education students. And my little brother, who is deaf.
I would then turn around and beat kids up for bullying him.
Tonight, a girl hacked another girl's facebook and did everything she could to ruin relationships, joking about how hurt the girl will be, and hoping to make her suicidal.
I'm upset by this. Why do people see this as right? How is this ok?
If you have an issue with someone, tell them. Don't hide in a corner and take cheap shots. Be an adult.
Everyone is loved. No joke. Truth. This is real. Love is everywhere around you, if you look hard enough. You are loved. There are people who would gladly jump in to help you. If you need help, get help. Don't ever resort to self injury. I know it feels good at the time, but when you look down at your arm one day when you're older, and it's full of scars, you'll regret it. Believe me. It gets tempting to do pills and other stuff. I know it does. But it will haunt you.
You are stronger than you know. You really are. You can do things you would never believe. You control yourself. You have to have some faith. You also have to be able to say yes to help. Don't let others bring you down.  I mean it. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. Whether you know me or not. I've been through almost everything. I'm happy to help. One of the worst feelings is not having anyone there for you. Find me on facebook or even comment on here. You can comment on here anonymously. I'll reply as soon as I can. Never hesitate.
Be strong.
You are loved.