Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What I see

I see a lot of things. Last night I spent two hours sitting at Steak and Shake with one of the most fantastic people I know. We wrote poetry back and forth, because she wants to get better at writing. I wrote a line complimenting her smile and she seemed to disregard it as flattery.
As cliche as it sounds, I do wish some people saw themselves through my eyes. It upsets me when I see someone who is nothing but beautiful, and said person rejects it.
I may be unique, but when I compliment you, accept it. I mean what I say. It seems odd and counter-intuitive (I guess compared to normal standards), but little white lies are wrong.
I'm kind of challenging anyone who reads this to find beautiful things about the people around you. Whether it's the fact that you could listen to them laugh for hours, their devotion to their family, their looks, or whatever. Point out how someone is beautiful. Be more positive. Thanks