Thursday, April 21, 2011


Working plays a big part in my life. I love my job. It's fun, pays decently, and I have a good group of coworkers (and my boss looks like Steve Carrell), but it isn't the only thing that I need to work on. I also work at school. I work at being a good son and a good big brother. I work at being a good boyfriend. I want to be that awesome friend everyone loves.
I kinda fail at all of these at different points of time. I'm lazy at work. I procrastinate. I ignore teachers and can't take constructive criticism. I'm egotistical. I'm ungrateful. I'm mean to my siblings, all four of which are younger. I set a bad example for them sometimes. Actually, pretty often. They still look up to me though, even after all of the ways I disappoint them. I'm even a bad boyfriend. I ignore her, I'm rude, I'm jealous, I put myself first, I make fun of her family for being rich. I rarely apologize. She forgives me every time and sticks with me. I don't know why. I'm a bad friend. I stop talking to friends, I never hang out with them, I lose touch and don't always care.
I try to do my best all the time. It doesn't always work. I rarely do my best. I get too wrapped up in myself. There's a lesson in everything. I mean it. In every situation there's something to learn. Take some time to actually spend time with friends. Be a good sibling. Let your parents know you appreciate them. Let the boyfriend or girlfriend in your life know that you care. Humble yourself and help people. Smile more. Thanks for reading.

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