Thursday, April 14, 2011


So, throughout my day here at college, I frequent youtube. Not for the stupid videos, nor for the videos themselves. I look for music. If you have a band name, you can search it and it will even give you suggestions. This isn't about selling youtube though. My guess is that you're probably a frequent user, too. Music has a way of speaking. It speaks right to our hearts.
Music is powerful. It can change your mood, can make you feel bad for past actions towards others, even bring closure to an old emotional wound. Lately, I've seen a lot of my friends go to war. It's been kind of painful. Some are gone, and some are newly signed up, ready to be shipped off to boot camp. One of my new favorite songs has really made me think.
It says, "They say war is necessary, we say war is child abuse." Our nation takes children, eighteen year old boys and girls, people who aren't even old enough to drink in a bar, subjects them to stress and duress that is very unhealthy, under the guise of "training" and "strengthening" them. Then, they randomly pick which ones they want to send overseas to defend this country that loves them.
I don't know about you, but that treatment doesn't feel like love. If it is love, I want no part of that love. I'll deal without. I support our troops. They are modern day heroes. They protecting us, giving up their lives in some cases. All for a cause that we may or may not be privy to.
Well, it's time for me to go for now. Think about what I've said. Thanks for reading.

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