Sunday, May 22, 2011

The way she feels....

"Then she closed her eyes, Found relief in a knife." - "The way she feels" by Between the Trees

This song is amazing. I found it on accident, and it's been in my head since. It starts out with a girl who's had a long day. She goes to a drawer to get a knife. She can't find hers. She uses another as an escape from her emotional pain. It talks about her feeling alone and like there's nothing and noone there for her.
This feeling of being alone is pretty common. It's a feeling that just about everyone gets at least once, whether after a breakup, a fight, or whatever. It's a feeling of emotional desolation.
The girl in the song has this pain. She hurts. Hurts so bad that she feels that cutting herself will help bleed the pain away. Pain doesn't help you escape from pain. It just adds more. It's a temporary distraction. It's an addiction..
While it does feel like when you start, you can't stop, you can. The song ends in an amazing way. A guy comes into her life. He shows her there is love in the world. He shows her there is redemption.
This song isn't a fairy tale. It's real and possible. It's not easy to stop. I have a close friend who struggled with cutting. She fights the urge every day. She's gone two months without so far, and she's still counting. While it isn't impossible, it is hard. You can't beat feelings like that on your own. You need someone to hold on to. Someone to help you.
Find someone to hold on to. Somebody you can text in the middle of the night.  Do it even if you aren't struggling with any problems.  You never know what will happen tomorrow. It never hurts to be surrounded by people who love you. Thanks.

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