Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Summer Days

I've been floating through the past few days. In the words of my girlfriend, they've been the epitome of perfect summer days. We've hit pools, introduced our sisters, played with a slip and slide, eaten Chinese food, had an epic battle of water balloons, and watched stars every night.
I've loved almost every minute of it.
I've also realized that this is good for me. The whole loving my days thing.
When you appreciate the good, it's just good. I've beaten this horse a lot, but it's a worthy subject, and it's on my mind.
Good things happen, even in the worst of times, even when your days are cloudy, and your outlook is dark, good things happen. They can be small and insignificant. It can be a smile from a stranger, or a phone call asking if you're alright, but they happen. Look for them. Make a list of them if you have to. but remember them.
And on the other side of that, do good things for other people. Smile at them, wave, ask if they're okay, anything, but make an effort to do good for others. Things come back to you, whether you believe in karma, blessings or any other thing like that, they all come back to you in some way. Good creates more good.
Don't forget that.
Remember the summer days.
Remember the good that happens.
And smile.

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