Saturday, June 16, 2012

A gentle shove or a monumental push?

Have you ever felt pushed? Maybe by your parents, your friends, your girlfriend? Or maybe by some unseen, unknowable force?
So, I've had a song stuck in my head. Part of the chorus is "Sometimes it comes with a shove, when you fall in love."
Why do we fall in love? What causes it? I contemplate these things late at night I guess. I've been dating this girl for just over a month. I can safely say I'm in love with her, but it's odd. Even leading up to us dating, we said no way. It would never happen.
What caused that shove? I've found her pretty attractive for a long time. I mean, she's really easy to look at. But that's not a big deal to me. She'd always seemed intelligent and easy to get along with, but I didn't want the relationship.
And now I'm one of the happiest guys in the world. 
Sometimes, people are brought into your life. Against your will maybe, but there nonetheless. They come in for a reason, and there's no fighting it. Some call it fate, some god, some even say karma. But the fact is that they are there.
Embrace these people. You'll learn. Life is all about learning. You might even find a huge deep well of happiness, if you're lucky like me.

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