Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Your Life

I'm asking a big question today. If you were to die today, and had to describe your life with one word, what would that word be?
Told you it was big. It takes a lot of thought. If there was one word to describe my life. Very tough.
Mine would be surrender. My life has involved lots of moving. I went to a lot of schools. It made my childhood kind of rough. Then, my junior year of high school, I learned something. I learned to surrender.
It sounds odd. It sounds like I'm giving up. I'm not. That is not what I mean by surrender.
When I say surrender, I mean to stop letting negativity hurt me. I know things are going to be rough. It happens. Life has been known to stink at times. So instead of preoccupying myself with pain and negativity, I say to myself, "It is what it is." Then I can focus on what's really important. My friends. My family. The people I love.
Surrender. Nine letters. It's my word. Think about what your word would be.

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