Monday, September 12, 2011


So recently, I've battled with being able to speak out. Interesting thought, right? Tyler, unable to speak?
Insanity. But it's true. I've found myself preferring to stick to myself. To not risk offending someone. To not even share my opinion. On anything. On faith, on friendship, on family, even on things that concern me.
I'd rather just keep my mouth shut than try to change things. Yes, my name is Tyler, and I'm a coward sometimes.
I think everyone has gone or will go through a time where they feel like they have no voice, yet don't want to speak out. We don't want to risk offending those around us.
This turns us into surgeons. We become professionals at stitching our mouths shut. We don't speak out on our beliefs. We get scared and prefer to hide under the radar.
I've had lots of physical stitches. I've had a hand crushed even. The worst and best part of stitches is one single event, in my experience.
Removing them. It hurts. They feel like they're pulling out from the tips of your toes. But, as soon as they are out, You get that relief. The feeling of freedom. Knowing your wound is healed enough. It hurts, but then it feels so good.
I'm trying to get one simple message across. Speak up. You are given a voice for a reason. If you have a faith, tell others about it. If you have an opinion, voice it. Just don't move those stitches from your mouth to your ears. Be open to what other people say. Learn where their beliefs come from. Listen and speak when appropriate.

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