Saturday, September 3, 2011

Nothing's what it seems

Nothing's what it seems has been a phrase rocking around my head for a while now. It's an odd thing for someone who believes in reality as firmly as I do. I don't like over-analyzing things I see. I prefer relaxing and accepting what happens around me.
This works, but only to a point. I have a tendency to trust in circumstances. And I hide in that trust. I build that trust up. Then I live in it.That's all well and fine, but it kind of sucks. Circumstances tend to break down. They fall apart when you depend on them for happiness.
This phrase means more to me than just that. It's a big deal to me. I tend to not look past the surface of things. Mostly because I just don't care. I said it. I just don't care to look past the facade in most cases. If it doesn't affect me, it isn't important.
"Wow, he's selfish. What a jerk." Yep, you think exactly how I do sometimes. Not looking past that facade, though, is bad. Not only can it hurt you, it hurts others, too. I see a smiling face, and assume nothing is wrong. I see someone walking along and assume they don't have time to talk.
Now, look at your life. Do you do that?
Thanks for reading.
PS- Answer it. And see how you can change that.

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