Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Scales

Ever look back on your life?  I do. A lot. I'm a very reflective person. I realized something about myself today.
I'm sitting in my jeep in the parking lot of my college and it hit me.
I don't like focusing on what I've gained in my life. I prefer to think of the things I've lost. I've lost a lot in my life. I would rather think about those things than I would the things I've gained. Sounds counter-intuitive, but it's true.
Now think back in your mind. Start tallying up things you feel like you have gained or lost in your life. Make a list if you must. Count them. I would almost bet money that the list of losses is bigger.
Am I right?
I also figured out that I prefer quantity over quality. I count the losses and gains, but I don't factor in the fact that my gains in life have been way bigger than my losses. Look at those lists again. Do those gains seem to have a slight bit of weight?
In my life, I've noticed that me dropping my pencil has a bigger effect on my day than getting to see a good movie. A little thing that's easily fixed outweighs something really good that can't be replicated.
So step back and think about things like that.

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