Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Ever have someone in your life that you think is the reason you're living? Someone who could make you feel invincible?
There was a girl in my life not too long ago who fulfilled this role for me. She was the reason I smiled in the morning waking up. She was the first person I'd hug. She was the last person I'd text at night. I came to depend on her. She became a drug to me.
I would go a while without seeing her and I'd go through withdrawal in a way. I'd not be in the best mood, I'd be snappy to friends, I'd not be myself.
This girl was the center of my life. She helped me through more things than I can count. She was a voice of reason. She became more important to me than me.
What I'm getting at is that I have issues focusing my life. I have issues finding a center for my life. I don't think this is too uncommon a problem. We put things in higher places than what they deserved. This girl got the highest position in my life. Above myself. Above my faith.
We tend to idolize people and things. We put them on huge pedestals. Especially when we aren't doing well. We try to put them before ourselves.
One thing I've learned is that you can't love anyone else until you love yourself. It sounds narcissistic, we have to forgive ourselves and love ourselves. Otherwise we tend to think less of ourselves and put ourselves below those around us.
Thanks for reading.

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