This weekend I went on a camp/retreat thing. It was a blast. I found out I can trapshoot like none other. And that food is always good grilled. And that Dutch Blitz is the perfect game for anyone with ADD. During this weekend, I made a ton of new friends. I learned a lot about myself, too.
I learned that I am strong. I am determined. I learned that I am the one who holds myself back.
This past month has been severely stressful. Between moving out, losing my job, and a few other things, I've been pretty down. I've let these things bring me down and hold me back.
I'm a slave. I worry about everything. I'm stressed about so much, I can't hardly think. I'm angry about things I see as being injustices to me. I'm sad about friends leaving for basic training. I'm bitter about past mistakes. Worry, stress, anger, sadness, and bitterness. How many of you deal with any of these?
When you hold onto these things, they control you. I had a talk with a man over the weekend that cut past the bone. I haven't had the best relationship with my father lately. We couldn't talk without it turning into an argument or full hollering match. Finally we had an argument where I had to leave.
I'm not going to lie. I am mad about this. It hurt walking down the road with my clothes in two bags.
I let those things hurt me. I started letting them control me. I made a decision to never kick my kids out. Not the worst decision, but I decided so because my parents did it, and I didn't want to do what they did. Not because of right and wrong.
When you let things people have done make you decide things a certain way, you are being a slave. When you hold onto things that have been done or happened to you, you are a slave. Slavery is still around. We're all slaves at some point, whether it's depression, anger, bitterness, or any other number of things. And it's hard to let go. I'm a Christian. I believe that you can't do it on your own. Prayer is the key. Thanks for reading.
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