Sunday, June 12, 2011


When I was younger, I never tried to do anything. I just did it. This carried with me. I still don't understand when someone says "I'll try." It makes no sense to me. Either you do it, or you don't. Can or can't.
A little while ago, I had a friend who struggled with depression. She drove me nuts. She would always just "try" to not injure herself. She'd "try" to go to sleep. It was always "try".
I hated it. I began to resent it. It really hurt our relationship. We talked all the time, and now we really don't.
I always prided myself on my open mind, on my willingness to accept everyone for the way they are. I wasn't being open to her though, or really anyone else that wouldn't say definitely whether or not they would do something. Instead, I would rather just ignore them and reject the fact that they can't say for sure.
I'm really working on this. We can't call ourselves open-minded if we reject someone else's actions. It's being hypocritical. What I'm saying is when you disapprove of something, put yourself in that person's shoes. Those shoes may just fit you a little tight, and may hurt to wear. Some people have lives that are quite a bit harder than you would imagine. That girl with the smile on her face all the time may have an abusive father that makes her feel awful about herself. That guy that can make anyone laugh may be severely depressed.
Don't judge people. Be understanding of other people. Don't isolate yourself from other's just because they're different.

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