Sunday, June 19, 2011

Seize the Day

Lately I've been stressed. Very very stressed. A lot has been going on, and it has severely affected me as a person.I've been letting the stress bog me down and make it impossible for me to live and function as a normal teenage guy. I mean sure, I will dominate you at Reach, and I get good grades and I have a good job, but I'm on autopilot most of the time.
I don't live for today. I stress about the future. I let the past hold me down. I let this negativity bring me down. It got to the point where I work all the time just to get away. I just stay Busy to stay distracted because distracted me is best me.
The thing is, I'm not the only one like this. I'm one of millions of people that do this. It's unhealthy. It's another thing that helps someone fall into depression. It makes it harder to pick ourselves up. It makes things worse.
I believe that everything is going to work out. That everything has a reason and that there is a lesson in everything that happens in life. Call me an idealist. Call me what you will, but I'm fairly certain in this. The trick is to look into things with a new perspective. Rather than looking how things have hurt you, look at how they made you stronger, and if they haven't, see how they can.
I know this all looks like a great plan on paper, but it's tough. It isn't a split-second change, it takes work. It takes perseverance. It takes help. Have someone help you live for today. Ask someone their perspective on something. Stay open, and stay strong. Thanks,

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