Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I had a math test today over sequences and matrices. Normally easy stuff. I made a mistake though. I flipped a matrix upside down after I transposed it, and ruined a huge problem.
This isn't that big of a deal. I have a really high grade in there. So one problem messed up won't hurt my grade much. So while it seems huge, it's not that big of a deal. I make a lot of other mistakes though. I get into fights with my father and brother. These are substantially worse mistakes than messing up a silly math problem.
We tend to blow mistakes way out of proportion. I almost had a heart attack when I turned in my exam and noticed the last problem. When I get in a fight with family, it's the end of the world.
These mistakes that I make aren't as big as they could be. Instead of giving in to the feelings off hopelessness and of depression, keep going. Keep fighting. A mistake isn't the end of the world. Not even close. Last summer, I was a camp counselor. I got fired the weekend before the last week that camp was open.
It was a friday night. A couple of the girl counselor and I took a trip to walmart. One of the girls got caught stealing, and the cops took her. We left her to go to camp and pick up bail money. I was going to drive back in her car to pick her up with the money. I get a text on the way home saying they let her go. So I said that I'd be right there in her car to pick her up. She had her keys though. She was about to call an ex boyfriend who was abusive. I called my bosses, nobody answered, or if they did, they were busy and wouldn't go help her. So I took the camp truck. Obviously, this was illegal. I shouldn't have taken it. I got her back to camp and parked the truck. The next day I was fired. Not because my boss was mad, but because it was policy for me to be fired. This ruined my summer. I got grounded and had to switch schools from the one I loved to the one that I was zoned to be in. This meant that my senior year plans got ruined. I struggled with this for months. I graduated early, with honors. I'm at college now. My stupid actions ruined my senior year, but I'm still here. I'm even doing well.
No matter how big you mess up, you can be redeemed. It's as easy as saying, "Hey, I screwed up." and changing how you act. There is never going to be a mistake that you can't make better. You'll have to live with consequences, but instead of making yourself miserable, try making sure that people around you don't make the same mistakes that you did. Thanks again for reading,

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